Start the
adventure today.
The Rollerblade® Skate in School program has a proven record of success in more than 2,000 schools nationwide.
Students love the Skate in School program; it is one of the most enjoyable and highly-anticipated PE activities.
More than 8 million students have been safely introduced to inline skating.
Skate in School was developed in conjunction with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE).
Skate in School helps boost youth fitness and self-esteem while emphasizing the development of lifelong physical activities.
Rollerblade® provides high-quality inline skates and protective gear to schools at a special price along with a curriculum.
“Many of my students have purchased their own skates and are often seen zooming around on the blacktop after school. It is success oriented and allows all children to set goals, reach them, and experience success and enjoyment at their own level of comfort. Increase in coordination, balance, strength and dynamic movements with upper and lower body.”
— Sean Morris , Physical Education Teacher
Fernway Elementary School
Shaker Heights, Ohio
“I love how the students grab onto the skills of skating so quickly! Being able to watch their growth and excitement from year to year is the best part of teaching skating! They rush to get into PE and are so sad when class is over. Inline skating is their favorite unit I teach because everybody is successful and can self-challenge without being judged by their peers..”
— Shawn Bates, PE Teacher at Longwood Elementary School
2022 OAHPERD Elementary Teacher of the Year
Kent Schools Elementary PE Specialist
“[Inline skating] opens the door for so many new activities. We have speed skating relays, biathlons (skating and nerf gun shooting), hockey, and really any tag/running games take on a whole new life on wheels!”
— Dave Battista
Physical Education Teacher
Fox Chapel Area High School